The release date for the movie ‘Love Love Love’ has been confirmed to be the auspicious one of the Nepali New Year day 2074. Very rarely do movie get their release dates as the New Year day but since the first day of the year 2074 B.S. happens to be on Friday the movie got the special release timing.
Dipendra K Khanal has directed the love story and is also its chief story writer. Swastima Khadka, Suraj Pandey, Ramesh Budhathoki, Desh Bhakta Khanal, Rupa Rana, A. Gurung, Ayan Khadka and Ganesh Hamal are the major actors in the movie.
The shooting of the movie, including the four songs present in it, was completed in 22 days. The film, shot by Niraj Kandel, is produced by Sharmila Pandey and is being made under the banner of Suraj Cine Arts.